It may be difficult to pay your bills if you are dealing with a personal injury. You may not be responsible for your injury and choose to file a claim against an at-fault party. With Charlotte pre-settlement funding options, you may be eligible to receive money you can use while your litigation is ongoing.
Silver Dollar Financial offers Charlotte pre-settlement funding ranging from $1,000 to $100,000. Our team can take a look at your case and discuss our legal funding options with you. For more information, get in touch with us.
How a Personal Injury Lawsuit Works
Per North Carolina General Statutes (GS) §1-52, you may have up to three years from the date you suffer a personal injury to seek damages from any at-fault parties. For example, you may get injured in an auto accident caused by a driver who was speeding. Within three years of your accident and injury, you may be able to pursue compensation from this motorist.
In an injury lawsuit, you may be eligible for economic and non-economic damages. Examples of economic damages include compensation for medical bills and lost wages. Non-economic damages are subjective, and you may receive them based on pain, suffering, and other subjective losses.
Just because you file an injury claim does not ensure you will get compensation. The defendant in your case may do everything within their power to contest your claim. On top of that, the defendant may argue you were in some way responsible for your injury, which may prevent you from getting damages.
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Contributory Negligence in North Carolina
Depending on where your injury happens, contributory or comparative negligence may apply. In a state with contributory negligence laws, you are barred from recovering damages if you are in any way responsible for your injury. With comparative negligence, you may be able to pursue compensation from an at-fault party, even if you are partly responsible for your injury.
North Carolina follows a contributory negligence statute. If the defendant in your injury case shows you are in any way at fault for your injury, you may be ineligible for damages. At this point, you may be 100% responsible for all of your injury-related costs.
Hiring a lawyer may help you build a compelling argument to prove the party responsible for your injury should be fully accountable for your damages. Your attorney may help you gather an abundance of evidence to support your argument. They may also be able to assist you if you want to pursue a legal loan.
What Charlotte Pre-Settlement Funding Offers
There are many types of funding available for those involved in personal injury lawsuits. You may pursue a personal loan because you believe it is the best option. However, if you evaluate legal funding, you may quickly discover why it is a top choice for plaintiffs in injury cases.
If you apply for a personal loan, you may have to share your credit score, financial statements, and other personal data. A bank or credit union may need days or weeks to review all of this information. If you are approved for a loan, you will have to pay it back in alignment with your lender’s conditions and terms.
A lawsuit loan is much more flexible than one you may request from a bank or credit union. When you apply, you only have to share your contact information and details about your case. In addition, you are not responsible for paying back your loan unless you win or settle your lawsuit.
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The Charlotte Pre-Settlement Funding Application Process
You may be wondering how long it takes to process a pre-settlement loan application. Once you share the required information, you may get a response back in as little as 24 hours. You may receive a personalized quote, and if you accept it, you should expect your money to arrive shortly thereafter.
With a lawsuit loan, you may submit your application over the phone or online. It may take just minutes to fill out your application. A legal funding company can provide assistance if you have concerns or questions during the application process.
The team at Silver Dollar Financial can quickly review your legal funding application. We will make a determination on how much money we can give you based on your injury claim. To learn more, reach out to us.
Apply Now for Pre-Settlement Funding
Charlotte Pre-Settlement Funding Benefits
A lawsuit loan gives you immediate access to money. There are no restrictions on how you spend your funds. The money may help you simultaneously pay your bills and pursue your case.
You do not have to pay anything to receive legal funding. There are no application or processing fees. Your lawsuit loan company will explain the interest rate associated with your funding before it finalizes your request.
There are no monthly payments required with a legal loan, either. You can continue to use your money for as long as it takes to resolve your case. If you receive damages, only then do you have to repay your pre-settlement funding.
Legal Funding Repayment Process
To date, many plaintiffs have found pre-settlement loans are safe due in part to the repayment process associated with them. You are not obligated to pay anything on your loan during your litigation. If you win or settle your lawsuit, your lawyer takes care of the repayment process for you.
Once you receive compensation, your attorney can pay back your legal loan company. Your lawyer can deduct your loan balance from your settlement. They can submit a payment to your lawsuit funding company and give you the remainder of your damages.
If you do not receive any damages, you do not have to worry about anything. Your attorney will inform your legal loan company about your case result. The business will then clear your loan balance.
Request a Charlotte Pre-Settlement Funding
For pre-settlement funding in Charlotte, Silver Dollar Financial may be able to help. We make it easy to borrow against a potential future settlement. To find out more about our lawsuit loans, contact us today.
Call or text +1(844)871-0628 or Apply Now for Pre-Settlement Funding