As you wait for the settlement a person or insurance company owes to you, you may be very unsure of how you are going to pay your current bills or navigate your day-to-day expenses when you cannot work. That is where our Fort Worth pre-settlement funding comes into play. It is one of the most effective solutions to help you get the money you need now in hand quickly – and we make it as easy and as risk-free for you as possible with our various types of funding.
How does Pre-Settlement Funding Work in Fort Worth?
At Silver Dollar Financial, we provide our clients with exceptional support throughout this process, but you can also apply online risk-free to obtain funding. The process is straightforward, as we will confirm with your attorney that you are receiving a settlement and then provide you with a specific offer. You do not have to pay us back until your settlement is paid to you, but you can get the funding in as little as 24 hours.
That may sound too easy and simplistic, but it really is that simple. Pre-settlement funding is a loan based on the amount of money you are likely to receive when you finally receive a payout of your settlement, typically between 10 and 20% of what you are owed. These funds are already yours to use, but we just help you to gain access to them sooner.
The key to remember is that this is a loan, and you pay a fee for using it. However, it also comes with no risk because if for any reason you do not receive the settlement, you do not have to repay the loan to us. You do not have to worry about the actual repayment when you do not get paid.
How Much Can You Obtain from a Pre-Settlement Loan?
Pre-settlement funding is based on the amount of expected settlement you are likely to receive, in the range of 10 to 20% of that amount. We typically offer loans between $1,000 and $100,000 worth of value, depending on that qualification. To find out what you may qualify for in these loans, reach out to us now for a quote.
Click to contact the Silver Dollar Financial Team today or Call +1(844)871-0628
How do You Get a Pre-Settlement Loan in Fort Worth?
To obtain pre-settlement funding with us, you simply need to contact our team or complete the application now online. There is no cost for applying and no risk to you. In fact, you do not have to provide us with any financial verification information besides the information to contact your attorney:
- There is no credit check
- You do not have to have a job or employment history
- You do not have to have any income
- There are no financial documents or statements to send
- There are no verifications of your assets
When you apply with us, you will learn rather quickly if we can offer a loan to you, and if so, we can then work closely with you to get funding set up. The funds go directly into your account, and often, you can receive them within 24 hours of approval. You can then use the money for any need you have.
How Can You Use the Pre-Settlement Funds If You Are Approved?
Once you obtain a loan from us, you are simply gaining early access to the money that is already owed to you. You can use those funds for any needs you have, no matter the complications you may be facing. Most importantly, when you obtain a loan, we do not need to know what your needs are, and you do not have to document or prove any need for funding.
The Benefits of Using Pre-Settlement Funding in Fort Worth
When you are owed a settlement for any type of lawsuit, it can take months or even years before the required payments are sent to you, especially if they are held up in court. During that time, you may not have the financial support you need, perhaps because you cannot work due to an injury or because of the stack of bills you have. This is where pre-settlement funding really offers numerous benefits:
- You get access to the money that you are owed – money that is yours – in no time.
- You do not have to wait months for the settlement to come in but can start using and benefiting from the funds right away.
- If you do not receive the settlement, you are not obligated to repay the loan – you can keep the funds.
- Our lending team is always available to provide exceptional service and is happy to answer any of your questions throughout this process.
- You are not taking on high-interest rate credit card debt that you have been saddled with for years like you could be if you had to borrow now to make ends meet.
- You can use your money for anything you desire and need and never have to think twice about it.
- Read through our client reviews to learn more about our funding options.
There are so many situations in which our clients need access to the money they are owed but spend a lot of time waiting and wondering about when that will occur. With our efficient Fort Worth pre-settlement funding, we can help you to move forward with your life, no longer being hampered by when you could get paid. Allow our team to be there to support you throughout this process.
How Much does It Cost to Obtain a Pre-Settlement Loan?
The cost of a pre-settlement loan is dependent on many factors. However, we will provide you with a clear cost to you when you apply. You are under no obligation to take the loan if you decide it does not work for you.
Click to contact the Silver Dollar Financial Team today or Call +1(844)871-0628
Put Our Team to Work for You Today in Fort Worth
Our Fort Worth pre-settlement funding options are available to you right now, and you can apply online for a no-hassle process. Your private information is always protected, and you can expect outstanding support from our team. Find out how affordable it can be to gain access to the money you need now.
Call or text +1(844)871-0628 or Apply Now for Pre-Settlement Funding