It may feel hopeless to watch as your financial obligations grow bigger every day. After an accident, you can be left with substantial amounts of debt and large expenses. You don’t need to let those damages wreak havoc on your financial stability.
Silver Dollar Financial offers Mableton non-recourse loans to help personal injury victims get by. When an accident puts you in a tough spot, let us help you rise above your bills and make life more comfortable. Focus on recovery while we give you the money you need to continue fighting for your settlement. Call us today at (844) 871-0628.
Non-Recourse Loans Are Borrower-Sided
A non-recourse loan is any loan that does not leave the borrower liable. In other words, according to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the borrower does not take on the responsibility of repayment for a non-recourse debt. If the debt can’t be repaid, the lender must seek to recuperate their losses elsewhere.
Basically, you’re essentially off the hook should you be unable to repay your loan. So, if you obtain a non-recourse loan from us, and you don’t have the means to repay at the end of your settlement negotiations, you don’t owe us anything.
Click to contact the Silver Dollar Financial Team today or Call +1(844)871-0628
Non-Recourse Loans Are Like Borrowing from Yourself
How can you take out a loan on yourself? With our non-recourse loans, it’s quite simple. Our loans aren’t like the traditional loans you apply for at a bank. Instead of using financial information like credit checks, proof of employment, etc., we only use the merits of your case and the value of your settlement.
This is to determine how much you can take out in your loan. You pay us back with the settlement you will eventually receive. In essence, you are getting access to your settlement early to pay off your bills and other expenses you may have incurred.
Why Don’t You Need a Credit Check or Other Financial Proof?
It may seem counterintuitive to base our loan qualification on non-financial factors. We don’t need to conduct a credit check or other inspection into your financial records because they don’t matter. Because your non-recourse loan is like a cash advance, we know that you’re already good for the money.
An accident can leave you in pretty dire financial times. Thus, looking at your financial records after an accident does little to prove to us whether you can qualify for our loan or not. Instead, we base the amount of funding you receive on the other factors mentioned above.
Click to contact the Silver Dollar Financial Team today or Call +1(844)871-0628
What Can I Use a Non-Recourse Loan for?
You can apply the funds you receive from a non-recourse loan to many different expenses.
School and Tuition Fees
An accident can force you to put your or your loved one’s educational pursuits on hold. You may not have the money to finance education anymore due to the massive amounts of damages you sustained from your accident. Of course, your health and well-being matter first above all else, but you shouldn’t have to sacrifice your educational future due to another person’s negligence.
A non-recourse loan can help cover your educational expenses. You can pay for books, classes, and much more.
Medical Treatment
Medical expenses can be extremely costly. Even something as simple as stitches and a fractured bone can cost upwards of thousands of dollars. If you can’t afford these medical costs, don’t worry. You aren’t the only one in the U.S. that struggles with paying off medical bills.
Instead of making the hard choice between financial despair and treating your injury, you can heal from your accident without putting yourself in the hole. Non-recourse loans can cover your medical treatment so you don’t have to rack up massive amounts of debt.
Rent and Mortgage Payments
Your injuries will most likely leave you unable to work properly for several weeks. During this time, you may be unable to return to work or reduce the amount of work you do. Your recovery is essential, but not at the cost of your home.
Your paychecks are essential for covering essential expenses such as rent or mortgage payments. If you need cash to help make those payments as you wait for your settlement, then a non-recourse loan is the best option for you.
Apply Now for Pre-Settlement Funding
Apply for a Non-Recourse Loan with Silver Dollar Financial
If you live in Mableton or the surrounding areas, please give us a call at (844) 871-0628 or apply online for free today. Remember, you owe us nothing if you don’t win your settlement. Get risk-free and fast funding with our non-recourse loans.
Call or text +1(844)871-0628 or Apply Now for Pre-Settlement Funding