The average settlement for a rear-end accident depends on the damage to a motorist’s car, a victim’s injuries, and other factors. If you want to seek damages from the party responsible for your auto accident, partner with a personal injury lawyer. Next, your attorney can file a lawsuit on your behalf and help you pursue car accident loans based on your projected settlement.
Silver Dollar Financial offers car accident pre-settlement funding in as little as 24 hours. If you are interested in legal funding based on your auto accident lawsuit, we are here to help you out. Contact us for more information.
What Is the Average Settlement for a Rear-End Accident in the United States?
In the United States, the average settlement for a back-end accident varies. How much you get in your tail-end collision case may differ from what another accident victim receives. To maximize your damages, work with a personal injury lawyer who has a wealth of auto accident case experience.
Your lawyer will calculate your losses and encourage you to ask for economic and non-economic damages. If your attorney is successful, you could recover compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other quantifiable and subjective losses. As your litigation progresses, your lawyer can help you evaluate different types of funding for injury lawsuits.
At Silver Dollar Financial, we provide legal loans ranging from $1,000 to $100,000. Our lawsuit funding specialists can explain our pre-settlement loan options in detail. To find out more, reach out to us.
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How Much Is a Rear-End Accident Case Worth?
What your back-end accident case is worth is based on the strength of your argument. If you have an abundance of evidence, your lawyer can explain why you deserve damages. This may lead a judge or jury to rule in your favor, or the defendant in your case may offer more than the average settlement for a rear-end accident.
Alternatively, if the defendant in your case presents a strong argument, you risk missing out on your opportunity to collect damages. For example, the defendant provides proof to show that you were brake checking, which led to your tail-end crash. This could prompt a judge or jury to rule against you, leaving you solely responsible for your accident-related losses.
If you are worried about this situation, it may be beneficial to explore personal injury lawsuit loans. These give you money you can use while your lawyer argues your case. If your case is unsuccessful, you keep the loan you received and do not incur any additional costs or penalties.
How Liability Affects Your Rear-End Accident Settlement
You may receive less than what you originally requested if you are found to be partially at fault for your rear-end collision. In some states, modified or pure comparative negligence applies. If it does, what you are awarded in damages can go down based on your percentage of fault.
Consider what can happen in a state where modified comparative negligence is in effect. If you are found to be 1-50% liable for your tail-end crash, you can still receive damages minus your percentage of responsibility. In a situation where you are primarily at fault, you may be ineligible to receive damages.
In states with pure comparative negligence statutes, you can recover damages even if you are 99% at fault for a back-end accident. On the other hand, the defendant in your rear-end crash case could build an argument that shows a judge or jury that you are partly or primarily to blame. As such, a judge or jury could award you as little as 1% of the damages you requested.
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What Is the Average Settlement for a Rear-End Crash from an Insurance Company?
The settlement you get depends on the car insurance requirements by state and other variables. If you live in an at-fault insurance state, you could get a settlement from a liable party’s insurer. Or, if you reside in a no-fault insurance state, you may collect damages from your insurance company, regardless of whether the other driver is liable for your rear-end accident.
Generally, an insurance company puts its own best interests above everything else. The company may offer a settlement without accounting for your pain and suffering and other losses. If you approve the offer, you risk accepting a proposal that gives you far less than what your rear-end accident case is actually worth.
If you are concerned about accepting a lowball settlement, partner with a lawyer. This gives you access to an attorney who can negotiate with an insurance company on your behalf. Your lawyer can help you secure a fair settlement or bring your case to trial.
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How Can I Get More than the Average Settlement for a Rear-End Collision?
Hiring a lawyer offers an excellent starting point. Your attorney serves as your legal advocate and representative. They can evaluate a settlement proposal with you and, if they believe it is less than what you deserve, will let you know.
You should not accept a settlement proposal unless it gives you adequate compensation for your accident-related losses. If you have concerns or questions about a settlement offer, share them with your attorney. At this point, your lawyer can explain all that an offer entails and help you make an informed decision about it.
If you are tempted to rush to settle your case due to financial hardships, keep in mind that you have options. To get your money now without having to settle for a lowball offer from the defendant in your case, check out legal loan options. When you do, you may quickly discover why pre-settlement funding offers a convenient way to receive money right away.
Request a Pre-Settlement Loan to Help You Stay Afloat Financially During Your Rear-End Accident Litigation
Silver Dollar Financial removes the guesswork from lawsuit loans for rear-end accident lawsuits and other personal injury cases. Our legal funding specialists are available to discuss our pre-settlement loan options. Learn more today.
Call or text +1(844)871-0628 or Apply Now for Pre-Settlement Funding