A Lexington car accident loan can make a big difference in a person’s finances. Following an auto accident in Lexington, this loan can help an individual cover any medical bills and other everyday expenses. The loan also ensures an auto accident victim can continue to pursue their personal injury case to the fullest extent.
Silver Dollar Financial is a leading provider of Lexington car accident loans. Our team can teach you about auto accident loans, how they work, and why people get them. From here, you can decide if a car accident loan is right for you.
A Lexington Car Accident Loan Serves as a Cash Advance
Lexington car accident loans work differently than standard ones. An auto accident loan is considered a cash advance. As such, the loan does not need to be repaid in the same way as a traditional one.
For example, a person can receive a loan following a Lexington auto accident. This loan is based on the personal injury lawsuit a plaintiff has filed. A car accident loan company gives the plaintiff a certain amount of money dependent on this individual’s projected case settlement.
If a car accident loan recipient’s case is successful, this individual repays their legal funding. This is done automatically, as the loan amount is deducted from any damages the plaintiff receives. On the other hand, if the plaintiff loses their case, this individual is not held responsible for paying back their pre-settlement funding.
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Lexington Car Accident Loans Are Non-Recourse
Pre-settlement funding in Lexington is classified as non-recourse. This means the funding is provided with the understanding that it will not necessarily be repaid. Rather, the funding will be paid back only if a loan recipient settles their personal injury case.
There are no guarantees in a Lexington auto accident case. A plaintiff and their lawyer may work diligently to present a strong argument in court. Regardless, the plaintiff’s case may be unsuccessful, even if this individual receives an auto accident loan.
If a plaintiff loses their Lexington auto accident case but previously received pre-settlement funding, there is no need to worry. The plaintiff’s attorney can notify the lawsuit loan company about the court’s decision. At this point, the lawsuit loan company takes care of the full auto accident loan amount.
Expect a Seamless Lexington Auto Accident Loan Application Process
The process to get an auto accident loan in Lexington is fast and easy. Here are the steps an individual needs to complete to receive car accident pre-settlement funding.
1. Submit an Application
An individual can view a car accident loan application online 24/7. The application can be filled out in just minutes. If an applicant has questions along the way, this individual can reach out to a pre-settlement funding company for extra help.
2. Get Approved
A legal funding company looks carefully at every auto accident loan application that comes their way. This enables the business to provide each applicant with a personalized loan quote. After the application review, the pre-settlement funding company shares a loan quote with the applicant.
3. Receive Car Accident Funding
A car accident loan applicant can examine their pre-settlement funding quote and the interest rate associated with it. If the loan quote meets their expectations, the applicant can approve it. Finally, the pre-settlement funding company can send a check to the applicant for their car accident loan.
During the Lexington car accident loan application process, an individual does not need to share their credit score or credit history. Instead, a pre-settlement funding company looks exclusively at the applicant’s personal injury case and projected settlement amount. The company also does everything it can to provide an applicant with a pre-settlement funding quote as quickly as possible.
Click to contact the Silver Dollar Financial Team today or Call +1(844)871-0628
Lexington Car Accident Loans Can Be Finalized in Only Days
A pre-settlement funding company ensures an auto accident loan applicant can receive their money immediately. The business has pre-settlement funding specialists on staff who can review a car accident loan application within hours. This ensures an individual can receive a pre-settlement funding quote as soon as the next day.
There is no time limit on when an individual must submit a car accident loan application. It is often a good idea to file an auto accident lawsuit and pursue pre-settlement funding right away. That way, an individual can receive a car accident loan and use it for the duration of their litigation.
Once a car accident loan request is finalized, a lawsuit loan company drops a check in the mail. The loan recipient should expect the check to arrive in days — not weeks or months. This individual can then cash their check and use their pre-settlement funding as needed.
Apply Now for Pre-Settlement Funding
Perform an In-Depth Evaluation of a Lexington Car Accident Loan Company
A Lexington car accident loan company may claim to be the best. Yet, the company may struggle to support clients. The business may also miss out on opportunities to help its clients get the most value out of their pre-settlement funding.
For those who are considering auto accident loans in Lexington, learn how a pre-settlement funding company treats its clients. The ideal pre-settlement funding company goes above and beyond the call of duty to keep its clients happy. This business continues to search for ways to fulfill its clients’ requests with precision and care.
It can be beneficial to read through a pre-settlement funding company’s client testimonials as well. These testimonials can provide someone with a firsthand look at what it is like to work with a pre-settlement funding company. They can also help an individual distinguish an exceptional pre-settlement funding company from an average one.
Check Out the Lexington Car Accident Loans Available from Silver Dollar Financial
At Silver Dollar Financial, we do our part to ensure our clients get the Lexington auto accident pre-settlement funding they need, exactly when they need it. Our team can help you explore our car accident loan options and submit a pre-settlement funding application. For more information about our Lexington car accident loans, please contact us today.
Call or text +1(844)871-0628 or Apply Now for Pre-Settlement Funding