Keeping up with your finances after an accident in Sandy Springs is challenging. Personal injury victims should not have to pay for someone else’s carelessness. But the wheels of justice turn slowly, and you might need help while you wait for a settlement.
At Silver Dollar Financial, we work to help injury victims bridge the gap. Our team offers pre-settlement funding in Sandy Springs to cover your costs. We provide the cash you need now to improve your outcome.
What Pre-Settlement Funding in Sandy Springs Looks Like
Pre-settlement funding is like a cash advance on your settlement. If you have a strong case and an attorney, you probably have compensation on the way. But injury cases take time – and our funding helps while you wait.
Injury victims used to have few options for urgent financial help. Bank loans are not usually an option when you’re in the middle of a personal injury case. But today, you can apply for quick and easy pre-settlement funding through Silver Dollar Financial.
Click to contact the Silver Dollar Financial Team today or Call +1(844)871-0628
What If I Lose My Case?
A lawsuit loan in Sandy Springs is non-recourse, which means:
- You only pay back the money when you get your settlement.
- If you don’t win your case or settlement, you don’t have to pay us back at all.
Lawsuits can take years to resolve. Many injured clients cannot wait that long to recover their personal injury damages. Plus, regular living costs don’t pause just because you’re in the middle of a legal case. If you can’t work because of your injuries, that just creates more strain.
Pre-settlement funding helps pay for your expenses now. You can use the cash for your urgent needs and reduce stress. With your costs paid, you can focus on fighting for what you deserve.
Contact the Silver Dollar Financial Team today.
How the Pre-Settlement Funding Process Works
Personal injury cases already take a long time to settle. You shouldn’t have to wait a long time for the money you deserve, too. Our process is simple and has only three steps.
Here’s how pre-settlement funding works.
You Apply
Click Apply Now to go to the application page. You’ll fill out a few basic details like:
- Your name
- Your phone number
- Your lawyer’s information
- The type of injury case you have
- How much money you need
This is the only step that requires real effort from you. We’ll do the rest. It only takes a few minutes, and the application is always free.
We Verify
Our financial team will look over your application. We work to review each case as soon as possible. We’ll determine if you qualify for Sandy Springs pre-settlement funding.
Let your attorney know that you’re applying for funding. We’ll need to contact them to confirm your information and ask further questions. If we need additional information from you, we’ll let you know.
You Get Your Money
In as little as 24 hours, we’ll send the cash to you. You can use the funds as needed for your costs. For example, you might need the money to cover:
- Medical bills
- Prescription medications
- Lost wages
- Vehicle repairs or replacement
- Rent or mortgage payments
- Utility bills
- Food expenses
Our process is also risk-free for you. The money is already pending from your case. We just give you access to it sooner. So, you don’t pay us back until you win your settlement.
Silver Dollar Financial knows that things don’t always go as you plan. If you don’t end up winning your case, you don’t have to pay us back.
Click to contact the Silver Dollar Financial Team today or Call +1(844)871-0628
How to Know If You’re Eligible for Pre-Settlement Funding
You probably qualify for Sandy Springs pre-settlement funding if:
- You suffered injuries at no fault of your own
- You are likely to win a settlement or jury award
- You’re working with an attorney
Apply today to know for sure. We’ll let you know if you qualify for funding as soon as possible. If you do, you could have your money in as little as 24 hours. If we need more information to see if you’re eligible, we’ll let you know.
If you qualify, you can get up to $100,000 from your pending settlement from Silver Dollar Financial. In some cases, you may also qualify for multiple loans over time. Each loan requires a separate qualification process.
Apply Now for Pre-Settlement Funding
Case Types that May Qualify for a Sandy Springs Lawsuit Loan
Any case with a personal injury claim could qualify for legal funding in Sandy Springs. Pre-settlement funding can help cover cases like:
- Auto accidents
- Pedestrian accidents
- Slip and fall accidents
- Dog bites or animal attacks
- Workers’ compensation
If you have questions about whether your case qualifies, contact us today. Our team is available 24/7/365 to assist you.
Reasons to Choose Silver Dollar Financial
Silver Dollar Financial understands that injury victims often need financial help. You did not cause your accident, so you are not responsible for your damages under OCGA §51-1-6. But it can take a long time to get the settlement you deserve.
We always operate with compassion and transparency. Our goal is to make the funding process as simple as possible with:
- No credit checks
- No income or employment checks
- No background checks
- Nothing owed if you lose your case
- Funds in as little as 24 hours
- Up to $100,000 in cash
We want you and your lawyer to have the time to fight for what you deserve. Sandy Springs legal funding helps you do just that. Plus, you can avoid late fees or debt with instant funds from Silver Dollar Financial.
What Happens If I Win My Case?
Your lawyer will handle paying us back. After you win, the other side has a certain amount of time to send your lawyer a check for your settlement. Your lawyer will use that money to pay us back as well as their own fees, then send the rest back to you.
You do not have to worry about us calling you for missed payments or docking your credit score if the other side drags their feet too long. Your lawyer will handle all the financial details while you get to enjoy your pre-settlement money and your big win!
What If I Don’t Have a Lawyer?
Get one! Personal injury lawyers work on a contingency basis. This means that if you lose your case you don’t have to pay them. This also gives them an incentive to work hard on your case and maximize your settlement offer.
Having a lawyer settle your case will earn you much more than trying to force a lawsuit on your own. Plus, having a lawyer is a requirement for a Sandy Springs lawsuit loan because we need their expertise to put together an officer and assess your risk.
Apply for Sandy Springs Pre-Settlement Funding Today
If you need cash fast, don’t wait to get started. Apply with us today to find out if you qualify. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3:
1. Apply Online
Click Apply Now to finish your application within minutes. Send it over so that we can take a look. Remember, we do not need your credit score or other invasive information.
2. We Review Your Information
Our team will look over your application and contact your attorney. If you qualify, we’ll approve you as soon as possible.
3. You Get Paid
After approval, we’ll send you the funds directly. This money is a cash advance from your settlement, so it’s yours.
You do not have to pay us back until you win your case. If you don’t win, you don’t owe us anything!
Apply for a Lawsuit Loan in Sandy Springs Today
Click Apply Now or call us to start your application today. You only pay us back when you get your settlement. If you don’t win your case, you don’t have to pay us back.
Call or text +1(844)871-0628 or Apply Now for Pre-Settlement Funding