After an accident, your injuries can leave you with lots of bills to pay. Medical treatment is not cheap, and debt does not stop accruing simply because you got hurt. Injuries can also prevent you from earning money altogether or at the rate you used to. You will find that the bills you once had …
How Long Does It Normally Take to Get a Pre-Settlement Check?
Pre-settlement funding helps injury victims pay for their costs until they get a settlement. Many injured people have urgent financial needs, leading them to wonder how long it takes to get their pre-settlement check. The time it takes to get funding varies slightly by case. But with a trusted company, you might get your money …
How Do I Get Money from a Pending Lawsuit?
When you file a personal injury case, you’re seeking compensation for the negligence of another party. Getting the money you deserve takes time and, often, an experienced lawyer. But what if you need money now while your lawsuit is still pending? Your settlement is more than likely on the way, but you have to wait …
Will Silver Dollar Financial Work with My Lawyer?
As a pre-settlement funding company, Silver Dollar Financial provides loans for injured people to get through the often excessively long time between their injury and their eventual compensation. Some potential borrowers may worry about taking out a pre-settlement loan, fearing predatory lending practices, or reliving past nightmares with other businesses. But Silver Dollar Financial is …
What Happens If You Default on a Loan?
When you take out a loan, the expectation is that you will repay the loan, plus agreed-upon interest. However, sometimes people may become unable to pay back a loan, leading to a “default.” For example, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) notes that student loans are typically considered to be in default if you fail …
Are Pre-Settlement Loans Safe?
Safety and financial risk are among the chief concerns of people who need to take out a pre-settlement loan. This kind of funding is useful for injured people waiting on their case to settle or for a jury to award them compensation at trial, but a loan that must be paid back is often a …
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