When you need money fast to cover financial obligations, consider obtaining legal funding. Our legal funding can get you the cash you need quickly while waiting for your settlement to come through. If you can’t afford to wait any longer, contact Silver Dollar Financial as soon as possible.
If you are in Mableton and in a tough economic situation, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team of financial experts. We’ve been helping personal injury victims for years to get them the money they need. Don’t feel trapped under all of your bills and expenses. Call us at (844) 871-0628 today.
Borrowing from Yourself with Legal Funding
When you obtain legal funding, you are essentially borrowing money from yourself. As opposed to a traditional loan that you obtain from a bank, we aim to simply give you fast access to your settlement before you even get it.
Akin to a cash advance, the money you take out is directly from the settlement that you’re going to win. Now you may be wondering, how exactly does this work? This is possible because the legal funding we provide comes in the form of a non-recourse loan.
Click to contact the Silver Dollar Financial Team today or Call +1(844)871-0628
What Is a Non-Recourse Loan?
Your legal funding is non-recourse, which means you don’t have to pay anything back if you lose your claim. That’s right. If you can’t get a settlement at the end of your negotiations or trial, you owe us nothing in return.
If you do win your settlement, you simply pay us back with the settlement amount you won. We don’t seek repayment through other financial avenues such as through your wages or retirement accounts.
What Exactly Can I Use Legal Funding for?
You can use the money you receive from legal funding for a variety of different expenses:
- Medical expenses such as hospital visits, prescriptions, physical rehabilitation, or psychological services
- Substitute services and assisted living related expenses
- Living expenses, groceries, or utilities
- School fees and tuition
- Vehicle repairs or replacement and property damages
- Rent or mortgage payments
Whatever expenses you need to pay, rest assured you can use legal funding to cover it. The entire purpose of legal funding is to help you get by while you fight for compensation. There are no restrictions on how you choose to use your money.
Click to contact the Silver Dollar Financial Team today or Call +1(844)871-0628
How to Apply for Legal Funding
Our application process is three easy steps anyone can follow.
Step 1 – Submit Your Application Online
When you first apply, we will ask you only for the following:
- Your basic information
- The information of your lawyer
- The details about your case, such as what happened, your injuries and damages, and how it happened
- The estimated value of your settlement
- How much money you require in legal funding
Once you fill out the application and submit it, our team will review it.
Step 2 – Wait for Approval
After you submit your application, our financial experts will begin reviewing it immediately. We aim to finish reviewing your information in as little as 24 hours. If there is any need for additional information, or documents, we will contact either you or your lawyer to follow up.
Step 3 – Receive Notification of Approval
You will receive up to $100,000 in legal funding after notification of approval. From there, you can begin using your money immediately on whatever expenses you need covered. We know you need to cover your financial obligations promptly, so we work fast to get you the money you need.
Apply Now for Pre-Settlement Funding
No Credit Checks or Proof of Employment Required
Legal funding is not like a traditional loan. Because of this, we don’t need any of the requirements typically necessary when applying for one. The only things we will ever need from you are already listed on the application.
If it’s not on the application, we don’t need it. So don’t stress if your credit score isn’t up to par or if you’re unemployed. We understand that your accident has left you in a seriously bad state, so we don’t use any of those prerequisites to determine your eligibility.
Statute of Limitations in Georgia
A lot of people misinterpret the statute of limitations in Georgia. The Official Code of Georgia Annotated (OCGA) §9-3-33 states that you have two years to file a claim for any accident that results in personal injury. It doesn’t state how long it should take for negotiations or a trial to settle your claim.
Essentially, the time it takes to reach a settlement is open-ended. Many cases can take months to settle, while others can end up taking years. Time is never certain when it comes to personal injury cases, but what is certain is the funding you can receive to help make fighting for your claim a lot easier.
Apply for Legal Funding Today
Legal funding is an excellent alternative to traditional financing. Instead of taking a lot of risks obtaining a conventional loan, you can get the borrower’s sided benefits of legal funding with Silver Dollar Financial. Don’t suffer while waiting for your settlement. Apply online for free or call us today at (844) 871-0628.
Call or text +1(844)871-0628 or Apply Now for Pre-Settlement Funding